Tuesday, September 15, 2015

We work more and more, and we won't stop it

Augmented reality blog - we work more and more
If you think about past, how do you see every day in work in your imagination ? Probably in the same way as most of the people. Work starts at 8:00, ends at 17:00. Good bye. That is all for today. It was hard to be reached with out tablet, laptop and mobile phone in your bag/pocket.
Than it started: pagers, mobile phones, laptop, mobile internet, smartphones etc. Everything to make our live easier, everything to have more free time for ourselves.

What changed ?

What was the result ? People have changed, thinking about job and responsibilities changed. Result is that we have less time and we work more and more. Every mentioned device is like a leach that ties as to our desk in our office. It is hard to say "sorry I don't have tool to do it". Why ? Because now you can have your office everywhere with you.
As I've mentioned before, everything was done for us, to make our live easier so we can have more time. For example, you don't write a letter, than go to post office and send it, now you send an email. Much faster isn't it ? Ok but now you write 30 ? 40 ? 50 ? more ? email per day, you receive probably as much or even more. That consume more time than you think. In result you have less time than before.

Work around the clock

Now people often work 24/7. Some of them must - lets be serious, their are jobs that requires that. Some of them "must" because their working in a toxic company or they have robot as boss. Very big part of them work around the clock because they're never leave the office. I think this is my category. Every little leach is holding me there. Email, SMS, facebook reminder, calendar...there is always something related to work in range of my hand. Funny thing that we're still looking for new leash. Smartwatch ? Why not, everybody will like to have a next reminder about email from client !

It's harder to rest nowadays

Now it's much harder to rest. Recently I've took some time off. It took my a lot of effort to turn off everything related with my job only for few days. There is always something related to it and I know that this is not only my problem. This is just a very hard thing, especially in a dynamic business like for example IT. I think that best way to rest is just hide in some kind of cave on a desert island in center of ocean :) Nobody will find you there ! But think what will you do with your free time. If you're constantly working on 110% and suddenly you stop, what will you do ? The biggest problem if this situation is that you often want to do soooooo much that you're ending absolutly nothing. Sad, sad, sad....and I know what I'm talking about, I've been there.

How to change it ?

I don't think we can change it. This is what we've become, this is how we evolved. I don't see any chance to make a turn around from that. We will do what we're good in...we'll adapt. There will be new kind of jobs, probably more elastic, but I think that 24/7 syndrom will increase by absorbing more and new areas of our lives.

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