We`re constantly talking about new technologies, smartphones, augmented reality, virtual reality, smartwatches, wearable technologies, IoT and what ever you can think about. But are we ready for all of this as a society ? For us - people related with IT - the answer is very simple: "Yes", but what with people from little towns, what with people that are technologically excluded ?
I live in capital, things like bus ticket machine aren't anything strange for me, I don't have a problem with buying a ticket in a bus using pay wave technology, getting my money from cash machine, paying over the internet. It is as simple as breathing. But recently I spoke a lot with my mechanic (yes yes it's true, I can`t fix everything by myself !) that lives about 30km outside the town. He didn't use public transport for about 10 years so when he recently had to buy a ticket in a simple - for me - machine he was stunned, he didn't know what to do.
Simple ? Maybe not so simple
During my studies I had a lot of subjects related to user interfaces, user experience, designing. Funny thing that in most cases we talked about ticket machines. Something that is common and - at first glance - very easy to do with out any problems, but when you think about it there is a lot of traps. You need to think about lot of variables and one of them is the user himself. Most of the machines should be - but often their not - as simple as possible. You should look at it and you should know what to do. For people constantly connected to technology is hard to think like a person who didn't ever see something like that. It creates problems in their every day routine. Of course we`re not living in a cities full of robots so you can say that they don't need to use it, but to be honest, I think we want to live in city like this. Maybe we will faster than we think, so this problem is really on time.
Progress, progress everywhere...
As a society we're doing progress every day also in technology. We're constantly changing but we're not doing this evenly. And this can become a problem. Technology enters in more every day tasks, you can find it in health service, in post offices, city departments. Technology evolves faster than most of people can adapt. This is a fact that and we can't change it.
So are we ready as a society for even bigger jump like augmented reality in every day life? I think no, at least not yet.
Did you watch "Her"? It is a good example of society that created a strong bound with a augmented reality. It shows a perfect - from technological point of view - city, where everyone is connected. It's impossible. This perfect vision will never have place. We want to see it like this, but if we will have a choice - as a single unit - there will always be someone that will not go with main stream or won't be able and I think that is good.
Solution anywhere ?
I don't think so. Probably we have couple of possible routes but there is no option do decide which one is better. We can force the less educated by putting more and more machines everywhere where it is possible and force them to learn. They will learn or they will have problems.
We can wait and do it slowly. Society may adapt or may not.
We can wait for new generation that will grow up surrounded with machines even more than now. It will be easier for them.
Non of this will solve the main cause, there will be always some opportunists, people that just won't want to change, to adapt. There always be someone that just don't like technology or because of some reason will be excluded.
The only thing we can do is to make it as simple as possible and try to reach as many people as possible.
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