Saturday, September 12, 2015

Nintento + Niantic = Augmented Reality Pokemon !

Augmented reality Pokemon

When I first saw this news I couldn't belive that. Can it get more awesome ? Augmented reality and pokemons created under wings of companies that know what they are doing.

If you didn't see it yet please enjoy:

Ok so what do we know at the moment. First of all game will be developed by Nintento and Niantic. This sound very good and promising.
To play it you will only need a smartphone, great.
Pokemons will be spread all over the world. To see them you will need to point them with you camera.
There are plans to create a hand watch witch will like pokeball. It will inform you when you will be in range of pokemon (sic!!)

Android and iOS versions are planned on 2016 so maybe we will get it very soon.

What do you think about that ? I'm worried only about one thing. To achive the goal that they presented they need things like:
1. user location
2. pokemon true gps location - pokemon needs to located in real world
3. interaction between one and another

I was working on that during my masters last and this year and I know that it is very hard to achieve this 3 points in a way that will make user say "woooow". Of course I'm far away from Nintendo and Niantic but still they will have to resolve same hardware limitations I did. I'm worried because if they won't make it as good as they plan the game will die very fast. There is many downsides of well known solutions for problem like interactions between true and virtual point, for example visible delay.
This is a very important game for augmented reality and for promotion it for wider audience. As for now there is not so many well known augmented reality games. Here we have theme that almost everybody know, everybody like. We have two great companies behind them. I think this game will be either great success or dramatic failure, they don't have any other option. Finger crossed !

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