Saturday, October 10, 2015

Microsoft and HoloLens

Augmented Reality - Microsoft HoloLens
As most of you already know, recently Microsoft announced that on start of 2016 there will be available a developer version of HoloLens. That is a good news because know we can be sure that this project won't be hidden in closet.

HoloLens - what is it ?

HoloLens is an example of special googles that changes our reality. It is a computer that brings high-definition holograms into our world. You can see them like they were real, you can fully interact with them. This is really a good job done by Microsoft. 
HoloLens is not a project related with our every day life, at least not now. This is not the kind of device that you'll wear on your way to work but there is a chance that in near future you will wear them to do your work. Even now, on this early stage, everyone can see how big potential is hidden in HoloLens. If you now, can design and build something in Minecraft - using HoloLens - why won't you be able to design a real building and decompose it ?

Project X-Ray

I was watching last Microsoft conference and when I saw project X-Ray I was stunned. This is really something that we can call "future". The way how HoloLens work with the envoirment is fantastic. I never saw anything simillar to that. Currently - in my opinion - Microsoft is years in front of the competition. If someone didn'nt watch please take a look below, you won't regret it.

First of all I really love the way how HoloLens understands your envoirment, that it can use it to select a path, to change the logic of movement. This is really something. This is the path that should be taken by the gaming business. The game is never boring because you can change it by changing elements in the room. This is example of true mixing realities. This is a step beyond standard augmented reality !

Wow, yeah, fantastic, worth it ?

I know that there is a lot of "big" words, I know that this is just a prototype and it still can be a big fail but it is not all about HoloLens only. It is about a way, path that we can see. This is a promise of better future related with augmented reality.
I trully belive that HoloLens - or different project simillar to it - will be a device that will be as popular as a simple PC nowadays. I belive that this will be a next, big revolution related with technology of every human. This is sci-fi ovie in our home, in our hands. A wearable hologram - I love this term - it is really something !

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