Friday, October 9, 2015

IoT as part of augmented reality

Internet of things - part of Augmented Reality
Augmented reality allows to extend our perception using external devices. We link this technology with elements like mobile phones, tablets, googles. But is this all ? Ain't there any other things that can extend our reality and perception ?

The next step

Can we think about internet of things as a next step of augmented reality ? I think that yes, it is a natural path of AR. IoT allows us to extend the synergy of us with envoirment. It allows us to see world in new and more interesting way. IoT as part of AR may be a variety for all of users and even a support for some of them. 
We should stop thinking in schematic and narrow way. Augmented reality creates many new paths, many new possibilities. It open doors for many new inventions than can make our life better. Let us get out of the pattern: camera, gps, display. Someone, sometime will add something like accelerometer or something like that. Look at most popular apps, over 90% of them are almoust the same, they use same idea, same pattern to achive different goals. This isn't anything bad. IT often is about reusing. But in my opinion, augmented reality is more then IT, it is a new way of life, new way of our evolution. We can't block potential of AR, we need to go further, and IoT can help with that.

AR + IoT = More informations

In time when almoust everything can be connected to the internet, amount of informations that we can gain about the user is getting huge. We also have much more methods of receiving this informations. We can understand how user is thinking, what he likes to do, what are his habits. We can now describe person in digital way. Why this is important ? Because it changes everything !
Look at Google, look at Facebook, this are companies that created their power by getting and using enormous ammount of informations.
External devices set in home, in your workplace can gain this informations for you that will allow to extend your reality, that will allow to help in every day tasks. It can create a totally new branch of business.

Augmented reality is something more than technology. It is a way of thinking, a goal that should be step on our path. It is a philosophy of thinking about new things.


  1. Is there any need of naming that with some new word ? From my point of view IoT is just a next element that allows to augment our reality. For example, information sent to your device from something inside of your home is nothing more than information taken from GPS or accelerometer. The only difference is the channel of transmition.
